Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Quack in the Box

I really should not title my post that way...I had my first experience with the HEB walk in clinic, and I was very pleased! Some of you might remember that I said I would find myself a new doctor this year...well its still early in the year, so still no doctor, and I was plenty in need this past week. I developed a nagging sinus infection that I just knew would not go away without antibiotics, and there I was with no doctor. My mom suggested the walk-in clinic at HEB (kudos Mom!!) I left my house at 12:30ish, on a Saturday no less and got home by two. In that time I managed to see the nurse, confirm a sinus infection, shop for our "super bowl party", pick up my prescription and get home. Now that is what I call multi tasking!!!!! Way to go HEB!!!
On sadder notes, Jennifer, my sister-in-law, lost her grandfather this weekend. Jenn, Adam and the boys left this morning at 4am to travel to the valley for the viewing and funeral. Keep them in your prayers.
To continue the sadness...a very dear friend of mine from work, is losing her fight with cancer. She was diagnosed last year while I was on maternity leave...looked like she was doing well...came back to work this year....cancer showed up on her adrenal gland....surgery to remove that...she came back to work again...then a scan showed that it spread to her liver and bones...I saw her at work two weeks ago and today they moved her to a hospice with hours, day, or weeks to live. Its amazing how fast life moves when you are not paying attention. I can not imagine going to work every day and knowing that she will not be back.
Her name is Kelly, and I will miss her.

1 comment:

  1. I had heard of those clinics - I hope we get some around here! That is terrible news about your co-worker. A lot of women I know have had cancer come back like that - it's scary and so aggressive - she is in my prayers.
